Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Project Bike

This guys is a bit different and not for me, but this is the next project.
It's in pretty great condition but needs some work. New cables. Fenders. Brake levers. Maybe a new rear derailleur. Tires eventually. Maybe wheels. A new basket. I'll probably just do the basics to start off.

I wanted to get some new brakes for it and couldn't find anything via the usual routes. I went into Mighty Riders:

Me - Hey, I'm looking for some new brakes for this bike.

Them - What's wrong with those?

Me - Well...these ones don't work. I'm going to replace the levers and cables, but if there is a cheap option I'd like to just replace these.

Them - Those will probably work fine if you do all that and change the brake pads. Besides, we don't have anything that will work.

Me - Could you order something in?

Them - I guess so. I wouldn't really bother though. That thing looks brand new anyway.

I like Mighty Riders. It's funny when shops don't seem to be able to get motivated to order something in for you.


Marty said...

If I might make a suggestion - maybe a single ring with a light chain guard up front, and an internal-geared rear hub. Have a few gears, a clean look, and keep the pants cuff oil-free. That's a little spendy though. Wonder if you can couple a tasteful chain guard/single ring with a cassette and rear derailleur?

Dave said...

This is not a bad plan. But, as you point out, a bit of money.

If it were me that was going to be riding this bike, I would definitely go single ring up front. Sadly, it is not. So, we'll see.

I did look at internally geared rear hubs, but even wholesale they are kind of pricey. Perhaps in the future. Actually, the 3 speed ones aren't too bad, but when you get up into the higher gear counts they are crazy expensive.