Pitchfork adds to their best of 2000's coverage with the top 200 albums of the 2000's, which they'll complete tomorrow. I must say, I'm a lot happier with this list than I am with their top 500 track list. There's not much missing. Good to see Wolf Parade, Fugazi and the Thermals. The Constantines is a bit of a surprise, and a sad reminder that they've sucked since Shine a Light. The same sort of feeling comes out of the Libertines as well. And I'm oh so happy that the Fiery Furnaces Blueberry Boat made it.
I think this list works for me because I really do think in albums. I have a hard time getting into just one song, so thinking in albums feels a bit more natural.
Anyway. It will be interesting to see the final 20 tomorrow and the Radiohead/Animal Collective love in that it will be.
Oh. One last note. I've long been a fan of the Transworld series of skateboard movies. They have a way of turning the sport into an art form. I finally tracked down the first movie Uno, from 1996. Oh my god. Comical. It looks like something a bunch of junior high kids would film over a weekend in 2009. There's some interesting stuff. A very young Geoff Rowley and Heath Kirchart stand out. Burnquist and Koston look pretty good and Muska is a bit of a clown. But other than that...jeezus...it's amateur hour. Which makes me wonder...where the hell has the progression come from? I understand what's gone on in mountain biking. The bikes have changed so much in the last few years that you wouldn't dream of doing things now on a bike that is 10 years old. But a skateboard? Not much has changed. It's bizarre to think that something can move so far just by each individual building a little bit on what the other guy did. Do you think that's what the Renaissance was about? Dude's bustin' out crazy paintings because their neighbour used a sweet shade of green a week or so back?
A few minor acts of scenester idiocy on that PF list, though. They rate The National's 2005 album, alligator, higher than their much, much better 2007 one, boxer, and the only reason seems to be so that they can say we discovered these guys back in 2005! We were there! We saw them on tour, closing for Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and they were awesome! Never mind that we basically manufactured all the hype around Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and they're not on this list. In the end, we were right anyway! Puzzling.
also, they still like a lot of albums that suck.
also - last thing - finding it weird that their top ten are almost all albums from the first couple years of the decade; back before PF was widely read. I can't decide whether this is (a) an admission that they don't trust their own ridiculous degree of influence over the latter part of the decade, or (b)them trying to, after the fact, extend their influence to back before 2002-03, when they really blew up.
I think you might think about things a little bit too much. But, interesting points nonetheless.
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